5 Easy Vegetables to Grow for Beginners

5 Easy Vegetables to Grow for Beginners

Jul 16th 2024

Do you find it difficult with your busy schedule to go to the farmer’s market every weekend to get your much-needed veggies? You can now solve this by growing your favorite vegetables in your home garden.

Homegrown vegetables provide an instant supply and are rich in natural chemicals called phytonutrients. Moreover, they contain much-needed nutrients and vitamins.

However, not all the vegetables are suitable for planting. Some require high maintenance and specific growth conditions. Here are the 5 easy vegetables to grow in your home garden or landscape.

1. Tomatoes

One of the top beginner-friendly vegetables is tomatoes. Over the growing season, they can produce a high yield so that you can get a large quantity for cooking or other culinary purposes. You can grow different varieties, including cherry, plum, and beefsteak, that fit well within your space requirements. They usually grow best in raised beds. Here are some ways to successfully grow tomatoes in raised garden beds:

  • Choose a site with no existing vegetation, shrubs, or weeds. If there is any debris or dirt on the ground, remove it to plant new tomato varieties. An ideal size for raised garden beds should be 12" tall and 4’ wide to ensure proper growth.
  • Plant in a location where maximum sunlight reaches the area. Tomato plants need approximately 6 to 8 hours of sun exposure per day.
  • Ensure there is proper spacing to avoid overcrowding. A general tip is to plant at each corner or at 18- to 24-inch spacing.

Provide tomato plants with enough water, especially during hot summer. An efficient irrigation system delivers water directly to the roots, so the plants don’t wilt or dry from water loss.

2. Lettuce

Lettuce is one of the easy vegetables to grow for beginners. It has a relatively shorter growing period and can be harvested within 30 days. The veggie is a great source of Vitamin K and is very beneficial for your body. This veggie is highly versatile and can be grown in the ground or in containers. Here are some tips for growing lettuce in your home space:

Planting Tips

Planting lettuce is simple. You can directly sow seeds in the soil or transplant them outside. When installing the seedlings, ensure proper spacing between them for efficient growth without overcrowding. For instance, you can plant 8 to 10 seeds in a row or more, depending on the variety.

Soil Conditions

It is crucial to provide lettuce plants with well-drained soil. They usually grow best in loamy soil with a mixed composition of 40% sand, 40% silt, and 20% clay. Moreover, ensure the soil is rich in organic content for plant growth. Check for soil pH levels, as vegetables grow best in an ideal pH range of 6.0 to 7.0.

Watering Requirements

Lettuce plants grow well in an abundant water supply. To this end, make sure the ground is moist and has an efficient irrigation system. Also, follow a watering schedule for optimal plant growth. Generally, you should water them one to two times daily, but you can increase the frequency depending on weather conditions and soil type.

3. Radish

Radishes are also easy vegetables to grow for beginners. They are considered low-maintenance vegetables due to their short growing period of usually 3-4 weeks. They are cool-season plants that prefer sunny locations with well-drained soil. Compact soil can affect their production quality and plant growth. Here are some reasons why you should grow radish in your space:

  • They have minimal space requirements and can be grown in small garden beds or planter boxes.
  • Radish is easy to sow. Simply spread the seeds in the soil and cover them effectively.
  • They can survive in cooler weather and thus make the best early spring or fall vegetables.

These vegetables come in wide varieties, containing different colors and shapes. The most common ones include Watermelon Radish, Cherry Belle Radish, French Breakfast Radish, and Daikon Radish. You can choose the one depending on your preference and soil type.

4. Zucchini

Here comes the most widely used summer squash, the Zucchini. They are beginner-friendly vegetables that can produce a lot of vegetables from just one plant. They are highly low maintenance, can grow quickly, and do not need special care. The best thing is they are pest-resistant, so you don’t have to inspect them regularly for pest and disease management. Follow these steps to grow Zucchini in your living space:

Choose a Planting Location

The first and most important step is to plant them effectively. For this, choose a suitable location where maximum sunlight reaches the ground. To grow at their best, zucchini plants need full sunlight exposure of at least 6 to 8 hours.

Soil Type

When planting Zucchini vegetables, ensure the soil is well-drained and rich in organic matter. It should have an acidic to neutral pH of 6.0 to 7.5. Moreover, the soil should be moist enough to promote soil growth.

Water the Vegetable

The next important step is to water the vegetable. For this, you can use an efficient drip irrigation system that conserves water and delivers it directly to each plant's root zone.

Harvest and Enjoy

Once you have provided the Zucchini plant with all the essential growth conditions, it’s time to wait for the appropriate harvesting time. Usually, it is advised to harvest zucchini when they are about 6-8 inches long for the best flavor and texture. Harvest when ripened and enjoy as a salad or as a main dish.

5. Green Beans

Green beans are known as easy vegetables to grow for beginners. They typically mature in 50 to 60 days and have a quick harvesting time. All they require is proper sunlight exposure and slightly acidic soil. Due to their easy-to-grow feature, they are the most popular vegetable for home gardens. They usually grow best when air temperatures range from 65°F to 85°F.

Due to their compact nature, you can easily grow green beans in smaller spaces such as containers or planter boxes. They fit perfectly with your small garden setting and produce a sizable amount when grown properly. You can choose from multiple green bean varieties, including bush beans, jade, runner beans, and lima beans. All of them are easy to plant and harvest and take up minimal space in your garden or landscape.


Now that you have a list of the five easy vegetables to grow in your garden, you can get the health benefits of these veggies. They will boost your health and save you money and time. You can also try different plant varieties, as each of them comes in multiple shapes and colors.

Appropriate planting conditions are necessary for the efficient growth of these fresh greens. They have no complex requirements and only need well-drained soil, moisture, and efficient water methods such as drip irrigation systems. DripWorks can help you install the perfect drip irrigation system for your home garden. We have all sorts of irrigation kits and products for your assistance.