8 Pet-friendly Plants You Can Add to Your Garden

8 Pet-friendly Plants You Can Add to Your Garden

Sep 4th 2024

Do you want to beautify your garden by transforming it into a plant paradise? It sounds like a great idea, but with pets in your house, it's like walking on thin ice.

Adding indoor or outdoor plants can benefit you and your pet, providing a welcoming atmosphere and entertaining your furry friend. However, it demands utmost care and research, as some plant varieties can be toxic to your four-legged companion.

Therefore, we have researched for you and found eight pet-friendly plants you can add to your garden without worrying about toxicity problems. Let's discuss them one by one below.

1. Creeping Thyme

Native to Eurasia and North Africa, Thyme is a practical herb safe for pets. It is a low-growing perennial plant that can be planted in garden beds or used as ground cover. Common Thyme is generally considered safe for dogs as it contains vitamins and is rich in fibers that boost puppies' immune functions.

Most people add Thyme to their gardens because it can survive harsh weather conditions. All it needs is well-drained soil, proper watering through drip irrigation, and sunlight. Once it gets favorable growing conditions, you'll see purple or pink flowers embellished with a pleasant fragrance.

2. Marigolds

The shiny and all-time beautiful Marigolds are next on the list of pet-friendly plants. They are a vibrant addition to your garden as they are harmless and non-toxic to your furry friends. But there is something more special about these bright-colored flowers.

Marigolds have excellent insect-repellent properties, so your flowers remain protected from pests and harmful bugs. They emit a strong and intense aroma that keeps insects away from your garden, and your pets can enjoy a harmless time in their play area.

3. Snapdragons

Known for their tubular flowers, Snapdragons are another colorful addition to your pet-friendly plants. They are non-toxic to dogs and cats and do not harm them when planted in the garden. These bright flowers appeal to your outdoor space and provide a safe place for your pets.

Due to their resemblance to dragon faces, Snapdragons are often called the dog flower or toadflax. They entertain and entice your furry friend as the flower opens and closes in a snapping motion.

4. Blueberry Bushes

When searching for plants that are pet-friendly for cats and dogs, Blueberry Bushes come at the top of the list. These are edible fruit-producing plants that are non-toxic for your pets. These serve as the low-calorie diet for your furry companion and provide a harmless food source for your pet.

Besides food sources, blueberry bushes are easy to grow in your garden and only require a few growing conditions. You can grow them in full or partial sunlight, acidic conditions, and well-drained soil. They are filled with vitamins and antioxidants, great for your pet's diet.

5. Camellias

Another charming and elegant pet-friendly plant for your garden, Camellias, is a colorful shrub that is safe for your puppies. They are usually tall plants that grow perfectly in your gardens. Blooming in vibrant red, pink, and white colors, Camellias are beautiful plants with dark green leaves to embellish your outdoor space. Here are some vital growing conditions to safely grow Camellias in your gardens:

  • Plant in a partially shady area with soil rich in organic content.
  • Provide regular watering to avoid drying and wilting.
  • Avoid non-toxic varieties such as Camellia japonica and Camellia sinensis.

6. Sunflowers

Helianthus annuus, commonly known as sunflowers, is among the best pet-friendly plants Worldwide. These tall, bright, and attractive plants are no more than a treat for your garden and pets. With a yellow and orange-colored appearance, sunflowers are edible plants loved by your dogs. They attract butterflies and do not harm your furry friend.

To plant sunflowers in your garden, you should provide them with a sunny area and well-draining soil. They grow best in slightly acidic to alkaline soil and need appropriate spacing for growth. A simple care tip is to provide them with loamy soil, water, and proper exposure to sunlight.

7. Rosemary

Rosemary is a perennial herb with needle-like leaves available in multiple forms, including gardens and landscape plants. It is safe for pets and is filled with antioxidants to keep them healthy.

Renowned as a pest-repelling plant, Rosemary secretes a strong scent that keeps insects away. This adds to its value and makes it a great addition to your garden without causing any danger to your pets.

8. Zinnias

Zinnias are colorful, low-maintenance flowers you must have in your garden. They are long-lasting, beautiful plants that are easy to grow and safe for your pets. Zinnias come in multiple sizes, shapes, and colors, allowing you to choose the best one for your garden and furry companion.

Besides being pet-friendly, Zinnia flowers attract pollinators such as butterflies and are widely used as perfect garden plants. Above all, they are heat-tolerant and do not require much care due to their low-maintenance nature.

Choosing the Best Plant for Your Pet-friendly Garden

Now that you have a list of the eight best pet-friendly plants, you might be excited to get one for your garden. Before you plant, here are some things that you need to consider for the safety of your pet and garden:

1. Toxicity

Know the difference between toxic and non-toxic plants. Different plant varieties may harm your pets and cause allergic reactions. For instance, Oleander plants are toxic to cats, and their poisonous varieties can harm multiple species, including dogs.

2. Planting Requirements

Knowing the growth conditions before planting something in your garden is always ideal. Some plants are low maintenance, while others require regular care and attention. Various plants also have different pH and soil requirements.

3. Health Benefits for Pets

When choosing pet-friendly plants, it is recommended that you choose ones that are beneficial for your pet. Plants such as marigolds have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that help with digestion and improve the overall metabolism of your furry companions


It's always a great idea to transform your garden by adding attractive, pet-friendly plants. These plants add an aesthetic element to your outdoor space and give your furry friends a place to entertain and play. They can wander around without worrying about health risks or skin allergies.

However, when installing new plants, ensure that you look at their care requirements, as they need appropriate growth conditions. Besides sunlight exposure and loamy soil, plants need proper watering.

Compared to conventional irrigation systems, drip irrigation is highly effective, especially when you have the right tools from DripWorks. Our team of experts will help you with each step so you can transform your garden in the most elegant way.