
The Benefits of a Weed Barrier

The Benefits of a Weed Barrier

Jan 20th 2023

The Benefits of a Weed Barrier No one wants weeds in their garden, competing with the crops you're trying to grow. Weeds rob your plants of water and nutrients in the soil and the available light in the garden area. Certain crops, like onions, that are slow to germinate and produce slender, uprig …
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The Benefits of Rain Catchment

The Benefits of Rain Catchment

Jan 20th 2023

Water truly is life. Humans can go without food for several weeks, if necessary, but they can't last for more than a few days without water. Animals too will die without a water source, and plants will wither. So, it is smart to always have ready supplies of water on hand. For most of us, using wat …
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How to Check Water Pressure Without a Gauge

How to Check Water Pressure Without a Gauge

Jan 20th 2023

No water pressure gauge? No pressure! Learn how to check water pressure without a gauge in this brief and informative blog from your friends at DripWorks. We all know that's it's smart to check your blood pressure for a healthy heart and body. But did you know it's also important to keep tabs on yo …
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Advantages Of Drip Irrigation

Advantages Of Drip Irrigation

Jan 20th 2023

Advantages Of Drip Irrigation Low-Cost Solution Drip irrigation system installation and upkeep costs are often lower than other watering techniques. Less effort is typically required, and material costs are lower overall when using a correct drip design. The outcome will be more productive and c …
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Drip Irrigation System Components

Drip Irrigation System Components

Jan 20th 2023

Drip Irrigation System Components Drip Irrigation has some key components that are needed to insure a well-designed and reliable system. If you are new to drip irrigation but are a gardener you are probably familiar with the term garden hose, soil types and water source. All of these will play a …
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How to Grow Bigger Buds Outdoors

How to Grow Bigger Buds Outdoors

Jan 15th 2023

Growing pot has become legal in many states. As a result, cultivation has spread far and wide. It has become an exacting way of farming and of growing the highest-grade medicinal and life-enhancing buds in your backyard. Although the name weed implies that cannabis is easy to grow, when it comes do …
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Laws to Consider for Growing Weed in California

Laws to Consider for Growing Weed in California

Jan 4th 2023

California has a well-deserved reputation as a progressive place. The Golden State is often several steps ahead of the rest of the United States in cultural and other trends. That goes for cannabis as well as for many other things. Proposition 215 passed in 1996, making the state the first in the n …
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Winterizing Your Irrigation System

Winterizing Your Irrigation System

Dec 15th 2022

Whatever the size of your garden, with the advent of winter, one has to prepare and protect your irrigation system by winterizing it. To winterize your irrigation system means protecting it from the upcoming winter freeze.  The biggest threat to your drip irrigation system is the residual wa …
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Winter Garden Ideas

Winter Garden Ideas

Dec 15th 2022

A beautiful winter garden is now achievable; all you need are these five essentials for your winter-ready garden. winter garden seeds winter garden flowering bulbs winter garden cover winter garden hose winter gardening gloves Winter is coming, and it's time to get your garden ready. This …
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Planning and Planting Your Spring Garden

Planning and Planting Your Spring Garden

Dec 15th 2022

For some of us, it has been a long, cold winter. For those who live in or who escape to southern climes, it has been a warmer season. No matter which group you belong to, though, if you are a gardener, you look forward to the arrival of spring. The onset of warmer weather means you can get out there …
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