
Essential Supplies for Growing Cannabis Guide

Essential Supplies for Growing Cannabis Guide

Dec 14th 2022

Growing grass does not just refer to lawns anymore. As the trend to legalizing marijuana continues to roll on and gain steam, more folks around the country are coming to appreciate the joy of growing their own. This guide to the essential supplies for growing cannabis will help you get started, what …
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How to Use Hemp and Marijuana Plants

How to Use Hemp and Marijuana Plants

Dec 6th 2022

Cannabis, or marijuana, as it is more familiarly known, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Cannabaceae. Three species are recognized: cannabis sativa, cannabis indica, and cannabis ruderalis. This genus is widely accepted to have originated in Asia. Hemp is the name used to refer only to v …
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How to Grow Hemp Seeds

How to Grow Hemp Seeds

Dec 5th 2022

A member of the Cannabis sativa family, hemp is an incredibly versatile plant. Humans have used it for thousands of years to make fiber for rope, clothing, and other items. Hemp seeds are edible and highly nutritious. The cannabidiol (CBD) contained in hemp plants is used for a variety of therapeuti …
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Top 10 Tips for Growing Cannabis for 2023

Top 10 Tips for Growing Cannabis for 2023

Dec 5th 2022

As its nickname weed implies, cannabis is easy to grow. Left to its own devices, it really can grow like a weed. But if you want to raise the healthiest, most potent plants possible, you need to do more than just scatter some pot seeds in the ground. If you have a good history of growing vegetables …
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Top Greenhouse Care and Maintenance Tips

Top Greenhouse Care and Maintenance Tips

Nov 15th 2022

For home gardeners as well as commercial farmers, greenhouses offer many benefits. By controlling the climate, they can extend the growing season, allowing earlier planting, later harvesting and more crops. Greenhouses can help protect plants from insects, diseases and pests like deer, rabbits and …
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How to Winterize Garden Beds

How to Winterize Garden Beds

Sep 28th 2022

Bears hibernate. Birds fly south. Turtles, fish, and many other critters prepare to survive the frigid blasts of winter with a variety of other cold-weather strategies. If you are a gardener, you need to prepare for the winter too. Winterizing your garden will help ensure the most bountiful crops a …
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The Gear Needed for Indoor Cultivation

The Gear Needed for Indoor Cultivation

Sep 6th 2022

Although it can require more equipment than raising pot plants outdoors, growing marijuana indoors offers several advantages. Because you can control the climate inside a structure, you can extend your growing seasons with an indoor operation. Multiple harvests throughout the year become possible. I …
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How to Germinate Marijuana Seeds

How to Germinate Marijuana Seeds

Sep 6th 2022

Whether you are growing pot for personal use or for income, it is crucial to give your plants the best start in life possible. Just as with animals and children, healthy beginnings will encourage rapid, strong growth. You have two basic options for growing your own cannabis: start with seeds or use …
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The Best Soil for Growing Marijuana Outdoors

The Best Soil for Growing Marijuana Outdoors

Sep 6th 2022

Growing cannabis outdoors offers many benefits. Firstly, it can be very affordable. You do not need to provide a structure like a greenhouse or high tunnel. In addition, artificial light is not necessary if you place it in the right spot in your yard, because your plants can benefit from the sun’s a …
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Growing Cannabis Using CO2

Growing Cannabis Using CO2

Sep 6th 2022

CO2, also known as carbon dioxide, has developed a bad rap in recent years because of its role in global warming. But warming is really not this simple compound’s fault. It’s just that humanity tends to produce too much of it. Carbon dioxide happens to be a very important part of the nat …
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