
How to Install a Pond Liner

How to Install a Pond Liner

Mar 9th 2020

Installing a pond liner can be a straightforward task that can be done efficiently if a few important steps are followed. First consider the two types of high-quality liners: For a large agricultural or recreational pond a reinforced polyethylene liner will offer flexibility, puncture resistance, te …
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The Benefits of Drip Irrigation

The Benefits of Drip Irrigation

Jan 7th 2020

Why are so many gardeners and farmers turning to drip irrigation? There are many reasons, including water conservation as well as saving time, money and hassles. But how does drip irrigation work and what is drip irrigation anyway? Read on for answers about this efficient watering method and …
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Top 7 Tips for How to Start Composting

Top 7 Tips for How to Start Composting

Dec 10th 2019

Fall and winter are excellent seasons for starting the exciting process of making compost. Making your own garden soil is the best way to take responsibility for providing the highest-quality organic growing medium. In the simplest terms, composting is an easy and affordable way to turn trash …
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How to Design a Rock Garden

How to Design a Rock Garden

Oct 16th 2019

If you live in an area where droughts and dry weather are common or if you are just looking to reduce your consumption of water, a rock garden offers a wonderful way to beautify your property and conserve this precious resource. Rock garden layouts can add a touch of natural beauty and serenity to y …
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Winter Gardening Tips and Specifics

Winter Gardening Tips and Specifics

Sep 24th 2019

If gardening makes you happy and brings delicious food to your table as well as personal satisfaction and a sense of achievement, you might want to garden year-round. Just because the temperature drops doesn’t mean you have to drop the joy of gardening. Gardening in the winter can be fun and product …
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August Gardening Essentials

August Gardening Essentials

Aug 20th 2019

August in the garden is a month filled with harvesting the tasty fruits (or veggies) of your labors like tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. Taking lots of notes on the successes and failures of your 2019 garden to help you plan for next Spring, and finally planting a Fall crop. Pull out or divide pe …
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Beneficial Insects: Their Role in our Garden

Beneficial Insects: Their Role in our Garden

Jul 22nd 2019

Without beneficial insects and their ability to aid in plant pollination, 90 percent of all flowering plant species might disappear. Thirty percent of all plants in the world would not exist if it weren’t for pollinators. Your vegetable garden wouldn’t be as productive. We all need to do what we can …
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The Technology of Drippers for Irrigation

The Technology of Drippers for Irrigation

Jun 24th 2019

The story of modern drip irrigation begins with a man named Simca Blass, an engineer who in 1947 was working on the first modern aqueduct in the Jordan Valley, of Israel. After discovering a large tree that was growing “without water”, he dug down to find a leaking pipe coupler that was …
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