
Gardening & Baseball – Our National Pastimes

Gardening & Baseball – Our National Pastimes

Apr 6th 2016

I was driving to work the other day, radio tuned to my usual sports talk station, and the airwaves were all abuzz with chatter about opening day for the 2016 baseball season. It made me think of the work (dedication and sweat), thought (planning and strategy), and emotion (the thrill when the work p …
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World Water Day

World Water Day

Mar 21st 2016

March 22 is World Water Day.  Nearly 25 years ago, the United Nations recommended an international observance of water in effort to raise awareness of our dependence on this critical resource.  Each year this campaign for awareness adopts a different theme.  We here at DripWorks find this year’s the …
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Springtime Checklist

Springtime Checklist

Mar 16th 2016

It doesn’t matter how long the winter lingers, spring is always sure to follow. It is never too early to start prepping for your spring garden. Don’t let the chilly weather stop you from getting your garden off to a good start. Prepare your soil It is a good idea to till your garden area, a good 8 …
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Starting your Veggies from Seed

Starting your Veggies from Seed

Feb 24th 2016

Starting a vegetable garden from seed is an age old tradition. At Dripworks I am once again getting the display garden ready for planting. With Spring less than a month away, I have the “itch” to roll out the electric heating mat on an upper shelf in our little Solexx greenhouse and plug it in. The …
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Dripworks 2016 Catalog – the 25 Anniversary Issue

Dripworks 2016 Catalog – the 25 Anniversary Issue

Feb 11th 2016

Twenty five years ago, three men with a vision, technical know how, and a lot of energy started DripWorks. Our goal was to provide a way for gardeners and farmers to buy top quality drip irrigation products so they could save water, time, and money. Drip works! Its that simple. In the summer of 1 …
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Creating a Spring Pollinator Garden

Creating a Spring Pollinator Garden

Jan 21st 2016

Pollination is vital to the fertilization, reproduction, and survival of all non-GMO food and flower species. We have talked before in this blog about the plight of the pollinators. Pollination occurs when insects or animals move between flowers of the same species carrying with them the essential p …
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Vertical Gardens

Vertical Gardens

Nov 11th 2015

Want an artistic twist to your garden, patio, or landscape? Wish you could grow more flowers or veggies in the space you already have? Vertical gardening is a way to add creativity, beauty and dramatic appeal while maximizing your space. If you live in an urban area with only a small patio, balcony, …
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The Nourishing Gardens of Esalen

The Nourishing Gardens of Esalen

Oct 28th 2015

Esalen, a haven devoted to the exploration of human potential, is located in Big Sur, California. Recently, my wife, Nancy, and I had a very enriching experience while visiting with our nephew, Sam, who works there. Located on Esalen’s breathtaking grounds are five acres of vegetable and flow …
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Winterizing Your Drip Irrigation System 2015

Winterizing Your Drip Irrigation System 2015

Oct 15th 2015

While much of the northern portion of United States is battening down the hatches for winter, there are areas of the country where gardening throughout the winter is feasible. More than half of DripWorks’ customers live in USDA zones 8 and 9, an area that stretches from the west coast down thr …
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10 Gardening Blogs We Love!

10 Gardening Blogs We Love!

Oct 1st 2015

A quick look around will reveal the many garden blogs available online these days. The ones we enjoy the most are informational, beautiful, and contain personal insights that leave you feeling like you just visited the garden of a new found friend. Here are a few of our current favorites! Garden Be …
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