
How to Start Your First Garden: A Beginner's Guide

How to Start Your First Garden: A Beginner's Guide

May 14th 2024

With 71.5 million households now engaged in gardening, it's clear that many Americans are investing in their well-being and the environment around them. Beyond aesthetic benefits, this trend mirrors a shift towards healthier, more sustainable living, helping us connect with the natural world. Garden …
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Fertilizing and Watering Hemp - Do's and Don'ts

Fertilizing and Watering Hemp - Do's and Don'ts

May 13th 2024

Are you growing hemp and need tips on fertilizing properly? Proper watering and fertilizing are as important for your plants' growth as good ventilation, lighting, and humidity. Hemp plants need water and nutrients to survive and thrive, but too much or too little of it can start to affect the crop …
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Top 10 Questions about Watermelons

Top 10 Questions about Watermelons

May 8th 2024

Summer and the refreshing season of watermelons are just around the corner. Grown in over 96 countries globally, watermelons are a natural favorite. Their sweet and refreshing flavor is a must-have when the hot summer temperatures rise. According to 2022 statistics, the global fruit production of w …
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Are Raised Beds Better Than Ground Beds?

Are Raised Beds Better Than Ground Beds?

May 6th 2024

Raised beds vs in-ground beds: which is the best choice for your garden? Both are popular and different gardening methods, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. Choosing the right method for you and your space depends on multiple factors. Both are effective in growing crops, but one might be …
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Cut flower 10 Best Cut Flowers for Beautiful Bouquets

Cut flower 10 Best Cut Flowers for Beautiful Bouquets

May 3rd 2024

Gifting floral bouquets goes beyond a goodwill gesture and conveys a deep sense of emotions ranging from love to admiration and gratitude. While you can use different types of buds and blossoms, cut flowers are typically used to make fancy and luxurious-looking bouquets. Here, we will explore the t …
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Best Summer Squash Varieties for 2024 Gardens

Best Summer Squash Varieties for 2024 Gardens

May 2nd 2024

Summer squash is famous and most beloved in-home gardens due to easy cultivation and large yields. 2024 is the year of squash. Whether you've limited space, want to grow squash in containers, or grow in a large area, there is a variety to add to your summer crops list. The summer squash varieties in …
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