Fall Garden Ideas for Beginners

Fall Garden Ideas for Beginners

Sep 13th 2024

Fall is one of the most beautiful and exciting times in the garden. Slightly cooler fall temperatures provide ideal conditions for new growth and allow avid gardeners to spend more time in their outdoor space. It is also a time of transition and preparations for cold weather. As the season changes, there are multiple ways to add color and interest to your garden. From introducing colorful fall flowers in containers to using pumpkins as decor, there are many fall garden ideas to give your garden autumnal charm. These fall garden ideas will save you time during the coming growing season. If you grow the right plants and tidy up your yard, your fall garden can be filled with unmatched beauty and color.

By growing the best fall vegetables and trying container gardening, you can create long-lasting changes in your garden that accommodate fall weather, add color to your space until winter, and prepare your garden for upcoming seasons. Here's a guide to fall garden ideas that will help you get the most out of this weather.

1. Add Color to the Fall Garden with Mums

Mums provide a gorgeous way to add vibrant colors like red, gold, and purple to your space. They can be displayed in the container garden or used as front porch decor. A beautiful front porch lined with mums is a clear indication of fall. Mums thrive in the cooler fall season and add a pop of color.

One of the most recognizable and beautiful perennials for fall is Chrysanthemum. In addition, there are so many other colors and varieties to choose from. You can add a burst of red with Stellar Red, a pop of orange with Fireglow Bronze, and introduce yellow interest in your garden with Avalon Golden.

2. Use Pumpkins as Planters and Decor

Blend fall gardening with lovely seasonal decor using pumpkins as flowerpots or for decoration only. Pumpkins are the easiest and most creative way to add interest to your landscape and make your home ready for fall. Remove the center of the pumpkin, add soil and plant.

Pumpkins will last only a few weeks, so we suggest planting short-lived annuals instead of growing plants that last the season. Use pumpkins of different colors, such as orange, green, and white, on the front porch and around the yard.

3. Add Decorative Accents

Another fun fall garden idea is to add decorative focal points, such as trellis, colored glass balls, garden gnomes, or foliage garland. Place these features in the garden where you can see them indoors to have something visually appealing in winter. Outdoor lighting will make them more charming and eye-catching.

4. Add Raised Garden Beds

Take advantage of fall's ideal growing conditions to add raised beds in your garden. Fall is the perfect time to experiment with raised garden beds because of cool temperatures and warm soil. These elevated garden beds allow you to choose desired soil and perform gardening tasks efficiently without stressing your back and knees. You can grow a variety of fast-growing fall vegetables in raised beds to enjoy the bounty of homegrown crops even after summer. Install a drip irrigation system to irrigate raised bed crops. Raised beds will also add color and texture to your outdoor space due to their unique shapes and materials. Place them in a location that receives a good amount of sunlight.

5. Plant Trees and Shrubs

Fall is the perfect season to plant evergreen and ornamental trees in your landscape. The cool weather and optimal soil conditions in fall help trees establish a robust root system. You can plant popular evergreens like spruce, pine trees, and boxwood. Plant redbud trees, Japanese maple, or sugar maple to add stunning fall colors to your yard. One of the fun fall garden ideas is to grow small trees in decorative containers or pots. Place these containers on the patio or porch for an eye-catching fall focal point.

Related: Fall Gardening Tips That Actually Work 

6. Plant Spring-blooming Bulbs

Start planting spring-blooming bulbs in autumn to fill bare places in borders or along pathways. Many flowers, such as tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths, can be grown in the fall. These bulbs will give you a sign of spring with their colorful blooms by late winter. You can enjoy their pleasant fragrance by planting scented flowers like hyacinths or daffodils next to your front door.

7. Create a Cozy Outdoor Space

Autumn is the great season to sit outside, gather around your loved ones, toast marshmallows, enjoy the stunning display of colors, and reminisce about summers. So, create a comfortable and cozy seating area by placing chairs, a sofa, a cozy blanket, and a table to soak up your fall garden's beauty. If your landscape doesn't have one, install an outdoor fire pit or a small fire bowl to stay warm in the evenings.

8. Add Outdoor Lighting to your Landscape

The fall season brings shorter dark days. Landscape lighting will make the evenings of fall and winter brighter and safer. Outdoor lighting in your landscape will enable you to enjoy your outdoor space for longer, make your fall garden more alluring, and help you keep your property safe. Install lighting along pathways, stairs, and water features. String lights on the patio or deck will make your seating area welcoming and intimate during gatherings.

When to Plant a Fall Garden

Timing is essential when planting a fall garden. Start preparations in late summer to prepare your garden for fall planting. Once you have amended your soil and prepared the area, start planting fall crops as soon as the temperatures drop in early fall. By planting in early fall, you can give your plants enough time to establish healthy roots before the first frost.

Planting dates in a fall garden is different than in a spring garden. The decreasing daylight hours will slow the plant's growth, so you should plan for extra time between planting and harvesting. The first thing to do is find the first expected frost date in your area. Then, find the days to maturity on the seed packet of the plant. Add fifteen more days to that date for declining daylight. Then, you can count when you should sow your seeds.

Best Plants to Grow in Fall

Here are the top plants for your fall garden.


  • Beets
  • Spinach
  • Cauliflower
  • Carrots
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Swiss chard


  • Coneflower
  • Coral bells
  • Hyacinth
  • Daffodils
  • Tulips
  • Black-eyed Susans

Trees and Shrubs

  • Cypress
  • Viburnum
  • Spruce
  • Roses
  • Burning Bush
  • Hydrangea
  • Mahonia

How to Care for Fall Garden

Fall garden and lawn care is important to maintaining a beautiful and healthy yard. Garden care requirements can vary depending on the plants you planted. However, here are some basic tips you should keep in mind to tend to your plants throughout the fall season.

Proper Irrigation

When caring for the fall garden, keep an eye on your irrigation schedule. Besides irrigation, remember that plants should receive at least 4 to 6 hours of full sunlight daily. However, the plants you grow determine how much sunlight they need. In fall, rain showers nourish the plant, decreasing the plant's watering needs. Although reducing watering frequency is essential, do not stop watering suddenly. Seeds and seedlings need to be kept moist until established. Use a drip irrigation system to control and precisely water your fall crops.


Fall garden care includes feeding your plants and grass. Apply fertilizer to your fall garden in late October through November as per the label instructions. Choose an organic slow-release fertilizer with a balanced ratio suitable for most plant varieties. Make sure to put on your garden gloves before applying fertilizers.


Apply a layer of organic mulch around your plants to suppress weeds, prevent soil erosion, conserve moisture, and protect plants from temperature fluctuations. Organic mulch that includes fallen leaves, pine needles, grass clippings, and sawdust is perfect for adding nutrients to soil.

The Bottom Line

Fall gardens provide endless gardening possibilities, such as helping you increase your harvest, decorate your outdoor space with lovely colors, plant cool-season-loving crops, improve your soil for the spring, and enjoy a charming garden at the most beautiful time of the year. Gardening isn't only for summers; creating a fall garden is also a rewarding experience. From colorful vegetables and fall-blooming flowers to autumn decor, a fall garden has plenty to offer.

So, don't be afraid to experiment with your fall gardening ideas. Add your unique touch to your home with vibrant colors and watch as your fall garden becomes your favorite one, reflecting your style and creativity.