Growing Cannabis Using CO2

Growing Cannabis Using CO2

Sep 6th 2022

CO2, also known as carbon dioxide, has developed a bad rap in recent years because of its role in global warming. But warming is really not this simple compound’s fault. It’s just that humanity tends to produce too much of it. Carbon dioxide happens to be a very important part of the natural cycle of life here on Earth, but as with anything beneficial, it is possible to have too much of a good thing.

Fortunately, trees, plants and other green life need CO2 for their health just as much as we humans and other mammals need oxygen. Plants convert carbon dioxide into energy via photosynthesis. Those CO2-loving plants include marijuana. If you are wondering how to grow cannabis bigger and better, carbon dioxide can play an important part in your strategy.

Growing Cannabis Using CO2

First, boosting carbon dioxide levels should be done in an enclosed space, like a grow room, for obvious reasons. It can be expensive to increase CO2, and you don’t want all that good gas to float away outdoors. Find more information on Ag Gas CO² system by visiting

CO2 Generators

CO2 generators provide one effective means of boosting carbon dioxide for your plants. Burning propane gas or natural gas, these products look like outdoor heaters and produce plentiful CO2. They produce heat too, so they are most suitable for larger spaces and climate-controlled enclosures.

Compressed CO2

Kept in metal tanks that look like scuba tanks or propane cylinders, compressed CO2 can be delivered to your pot plants via emitters. Because this CO2 has been produced at a factory, you don’t have to worry about creating heat by making your own CO2 with a generator. That makes compressed carbon dioxide an excellent choice for smaller grow rooms and spaces.

Carbon Dioxide Levels

Levels of carbon dioxide have been consistently rising in the world. In 1960, they were a little above 300. They are now above 400 ppm, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Although studies have shown that plants can benefit from extremely high levels of CO2, amounts above 3,000 ppm can become dangerous for humans. Generally, a level of 1,200 to 2,000 ppm is best for cannabis. Of course, you will also want to ensure your plants get proper quantities of light, water and nutrients.

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