How to Build a Garden Watering System

How to Build a Garden Watering System

Jan 20th 2021

If you are looking to save money, you will probably want to consider a DIY garden watering system. Given the potentially high cost of installation, doing it yourself can save a substantial sum. DripWorks is happy to help with these tips on how to build a garden watering system.

The Simplest Approaches

We will start with the easiest, simplest approaches. If you have a small patch of plants you need to water, you can probably get away with these methods. For watering potted plants or a very limited area, you can use a bucket or garden watering can give your plants exactly the amount of water they need at exactly the right spot.

For more plants or a somewhat larger area, you can water your plants with a garden hose if you have running water available. If not, you can also use a hose to provide water from rain barrels, a cistern, a pond or some other natural supply of water.

Bigger and Better

For bigger gardens or a greater number of plants, you will want to think about how to make a garden watering system that meets your needs and saves you water and time. Before you start, it is wise to sit down and think about what will be best for the type of growing you want to do.

Certain types of situations will require water broadcast in a wide arc from above. Sprinklers provide an easy way to do this. Lawns are one example of a crop ideal for overhead watering.

When installing any kind of watering system, start by preparing a map showing a rough sketch of where you will lay out your system. Then get the supplies you need, like pipe, tubing and connectors.

You will also have to select the type of watering devices you want to use, like sprayers, sprinklers or emitters. Decide whether you want to build your irrigation system above ground or below ground.

Drip Irrigation Systems

Besides substantially reducing water usage, a drip system can cut your water bill, reduce weed growth, and provide other benefits.

If you are thinking about installing a garden drip watering system yourself, there are several ways to go. The likely cheapest option is to go to your local hardware or big-box store or shop online. You can buy pipes, tubing and connectors made of PVC or other materials and assemble your own drip system yourself.

This will require a little know-how as well as basic tools and supplies, like a hacksaw and PVC cement. It will also take the most time because you will be doing everything yourself.

Another avenue is to buy all the drip irrigation system components you need separately. These include materials like pipes, tubing, and emitters. Such products are widely available online and in stores.

The advantage of this approach is that it allows you to customize your system to your exact needs. On the downside, buying everything separately will usually cost you more than buying everything in one package.

A drip irrigation kit is your final and most efficient option. These kits can save you money compared to buying components individually, and they also typically come with instructions that can help walk you through the process. This can be especially helpful if you have never set up your own system before.

In addition, some companies offer videos and customer service support to answer any questions you might have. If you are looking to save headaches as well as time and money, a kit can be a smart way to go.