How to Grow Flowers from Seeds

How to Grow Flowers from Seeds

Dec 20th 2023

Growing your own flowers from seed is fun, rewarding, and simple. When it comes to planting flower seeds, there's always new things to learn and discover. Watching a tiny seed grow into a beautiful garden of flowers provides immense joy and satisfaction. If you start your own flower varieties from seed instead of just buying what is already grown and available at nurseries, you will have more options to choose from in terms of color and variety.

Annual plants bloom on time, and many of them even seed themselves. So, you only need to plant them once to enjoy years of gorgeous blooms. On the other hand, perennial flowers can fill your garden at a small cost and will ensure a beautiful garden for the Summer.

In this blog post, we'll share the step-by-step process to grow flowers from seeds. Let's begin!

Step-by-Step Guide to Grow Flowers from Seed

Whether planting annual or perennial flowers, you must ensure that you need to plant your seeds correctly and care for the young plants when they grow. Here is how to grow flowers from seed.

Choose the Right Seeds

When buying seeds, consider crucial factors like size and blooming season of flowers you want to grow. If you're growing annual flowers, check if they are hardy or tender. Hardy annuals should be planted in late fall or early winter. In contrast, tender annuals should be planted in late spring, after the last frost date.

Moreover, early fall is a great time to plant perennials. It's best to plant perennials right after the last frost if you live in an area with harsh winters. You will find more information about the plant and hardiness zone on its seed packet.

Choose the Container

Depending on your growing space, preference, and conditions, you can start flowers in a variety of containers. Here are the container options to consider:

  • Seed starting trays
  • Newspaper pots
  • Peat pots
  • Recycled containers

Whatever container you select, always ensure it has drainage holes to avoid overwatering and allow for proper air circulation. In addition, clean and sanitize the container before starting flower seeds to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Fill Container with Nutrient-rich Soil

Fill your containers with high-quality, nutrient-rich soil. Soil is the foundation for your plants' growth and development. The soil should be airy and light, which helps better seed germination and growth. Now, moisten the soil properly with warm water. The soil should be moist enough to hold together when squeezed but not so wet that it comes out.

Sow Your Seeds

It's time to plant your seeds. Place 1-2 seeds into the center of each cell and cover them with a thin layer of potting soil or vermiculite according to instructions on the individual seed packet. Make sure not to bury seeds deeply in the soil. In addition, label the seed trays with the type of flower you're growing and the sowing date. This will help you keep track of your plants when they grow and know what you're planting.

Water Your Seeds

After sowing seeds, water your seeds gently without disturbing the soil. Bottom watering is the best way to do it. You can place the seed trays in a large tray with an inch of water. Seed soil will soak up water from below. Just be sure to water seeds until the soil in seed trays is evenly moist but not wet.

Provide Adequate Light and Bottom Heat to Container

After sowing and watering the seeds, cover the seed pots or trays with a humidity dome or clear acrylic wrap and place trays on a 70-75°F heat mat. The bottom heat will promote germination and uniformity. No water is needed until seedlings emerge and you remove the dome. However, you can check the soil after 2-3 days. When it is dry, water the seed trays from the bottom again. After 80% of the seedlings sprout from the soil, remove the covering.

Furthermore, place your seed trays or containers on a sunny windowsill in direct sunlight or under artificial grow lights. The seedlings need adequate light to grow and thrive.

Check Seeds Daily

Monitor your seeds daily to keep the soil moist. When it starts drying out, water it with a spray bottle.


Once the seedlings start growing, you can start fertilizing. Applying organic liquid fertilizer every 1 to 3 weeks is an excellent option and crucial for plant growth. Always follow the instructions on each fertilizer label and dilute it accordingly.

Transplant Seedlings

When seedlings outgrow their pots, it's time to transplant them to large containers or outdoors. This step is crucial for ensuring adequate growing space and fostering healthy growth.

If the frost risk has passed and the weather is warm, you can transplant the plants outside. Prepare the soil in a raised bed for seedlings and remove any debris or weeds. Dig the hole and carefully place the plant in it on the same level as it was in the tray. Gently firm the hole with soil around the plant.

Enjoy Fresh Flowers

Finally, enjoy fresh-cut gorgeous flowers from your garden. You will love the satisfaction and pleasure gained from growing your flowers from seeds. After sowing seeds, nurturing, and caring for them, cutting them, and using them in fresh floral bouquets is really rewarding.

The time flowers take to grow fully from seeds depends on various factors, including the growing conditions, flower type, and climate. Most flowers take a few weeks to months to fully mature and bloom.

The Bottom Line

Growing flowers from seeds is a fun, cheap, and flower-rich way to a beautiful garden. However, it requires patience and attention to detail. By following this step-by-step guide, you can sow your flower seeds easily and give them the best possible start to grow into strong flowers that will add beauty to your garden for years.

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