Perennials that Bloom All Summer

Perennials that Bloom All Summer

Aug 23rd 2023

Perennials return every year and provide your yard with beautiful blooms in an eye-catching array of colors. By choosing the right long-blooming perennials, you can infuse life into your yard and enjoy a flower-filled garden every summer. There are various perennials that bloom all summer and show gorgeous colors throughout the season. Once planted, you can enjoy the flowers of these perennials for months. In addition, a garden full of flowers will attract pollinators such as bees.

Browse our pick of the top 10 perennials that bloom all summer. If you do not have big garden, you can still plant these colorful plants because many of them work great in raised beds. These striking perennials will help you create a perfect flower summer garden in your backyard and balcony.


Geraniums are low-maintenance, long-blooming, and easy-to-grow perennials that thrive in both shady and sunny locations. They're one of the most popular perennials because they can tolerate many soil conditions and are resistant to diseases and pests. Also, these reblooming plants have low water and nutrient requirements, providing pollinator-friendly flowers throughout the summer to late fall.

There are diverse species of Geraniums available, each with its unique blooms. Some of the common ones include Rozanne geranium, Ivy geranium, and Mosaic geranium. In addition to the ground, you can plant these perennials in pots and window boxes.

Pincushion Flower

The pincushion flower, also known as the cut and come again flower, is a nonstop perennial. It is also called Scabiosa. Its cushion-like pink, purple, white, or burgundy flowers are favorite with butterflies and bees. The plant will produce more blooms as you pluck off its spent flowers.

These perennials can reach 12 to 15 inches tall and make gorgeous cut flowers. However, when buying a pincushion flower for your summer garden, make sure you are getting a perennial variety because some varieties only grow as annuals.

Blanket Flower

Blanket flower, or Gaillardia, is a beautiful perennial that comes in multiple bright color combinations. This sun-loving perennial has daisy-like flowers with amazing multi-tone yellow, red, and orange colors. A blanket flower is a hardy plant that blooms in gardens offering a lot of direct sunshine.

They are perfect for rock gardens, Arizona gardens, and borders. Also, they are a striking addition to potted plants. This perennial grows in clusters and spreads throughout the garden bed, looking like they're blanketing the space.


Coneflower (Echinacea) is a beautiful, fast-growing perennial that is popular with everybody for a few reasons. Its flowers, leaves, and roots have a lot of medicinal properties, commonly found in an herbalist's garden. The Coneflower plant can handle heat and drought.

If you want striking and bright blooms in your summer garden, coneflower is perfect as they will put on a show all hot season. Their flowers are beloved for their rich green leaves and vibrant colors, featuring raised cone-like centers and lower stems.

Shasta Daisy

Shasta Daisy is another reliable, classic perennial plant that is beloved by florists and gardeners. The pure white blooms of this perennial will brighten your summer garden. These long-blooming flowers grow in clumps and are drought-tolerant. The Shasta Daisy plant begins to bloom in the first year and ranges from 2-3 feet tall.

Additionally, they do well in full sun and partial shade. These beautiful perennials make stunning borders for your garden beds. Plant them in rich soil and a lot of sunshine. Pluck off flowers when they fade to enjoy a repeat showing. They are low-maintenance flowers that can adapt to any conditions.

Sunny Coreopsis

Sunny Coreopsis, also called Tickseed, is another beautiful long-blooming perennial that produces lovely sunny yellow or gold blooms in summer. This cheerful perennial blooms from early to mid-summer. They produce daisy-like flowers with delicate foliage. Bees and butterflies are attracted to this colorful flower. Also, birds love to eat their seeds.

Moreover, the plant requires little maintenance but needs to be watered regularly. Use a drip irrigation system to water the plant and provide nutrients. Most Coreopsis varieties are hardy in USDA zone 4 to 9. Lastly, cut off spent blooms to keep the plant blooming freely and to avoid seed formation.

Black-eyed Susan

The summer-blooming perennials list is incomplete without a mention of Black-eyed Susa, one of the most popular perennial plants. Summer gardens that include this versatile wildflower look stunning and radiate happiness. These long-lasting flowers offer bright and elegant blooms from July through late fall.

Its daisy-like flowers and long stems are perfect for bouquets. Once established, black-eyed susan plants are low maintenance and resistant to garden critters. They are drought-tolerant and grow well in shady areas or full sun. You certainly won't regret planting these gorgeous summer perennials in your yard.

Day Lily

Daylilies light up the summer garden with their trumpet-shaped colorful flowers all season. In addition to being gorgeous and perfect, these perennials are low maintenance and provide a variety of striking colors, including yellow, red, pink, purple, orange, and more. They prefer full sun but will bloom all summer, even in the shade.

This perennial spreads aggressively and will require to be divided at the end of summer. One of the amazing things about this plant is that it grows anywhere, in all soil types, requiring little care. Yet, they flourish when fertilized and are given at least eight hours of full sun. They are named Daylily because their blooms last only one day.

The Bottom Line

Fill your summer garden with a splash of color throughout the season with these long-blooming perennials. These nonstop perennials bloom all summer long and provide colorful flowers that will enhance the beauty and ambiance of your garden and home.

So, choose your favorite perennials from the list, grab the gardening tools, plant them in your garden, and create the magical oasis of your dreams. Finally, use a highly effective drip irrigation system to precisely water your perennials and deliver nutrients so they can thrive and bloom all season. Happy Gardening.