Select the Right Pump for Your Pond

Select the Right Pump for Your Pond

Sep 10th 2024

The right pump is essential to ensure a healthy aquatic environment, which is directly dependent on water circulation. The water pumps ensure proper water circulation, which is crucial for oxygenation, filtration, and overall pond health. A well-circulated water pond will create a healthy ecosystem for both plants and fish and reduce the risk of algae growth and stagnation.

Selecting the right pump for your pond is easy when you know its size, the type of pond, the features you would like to include, and the type of maintenance you require. Here, we are going to list the essential factors and tips that will help you shop for the right pumps.

Understanding Pond Pump Types

Pond pumps are designed to maintain the health of your ponds. These are of different sizes and types.

Let's discuss the two main types of pond pumps that are commonly used.

1. Submersible Pumps

These pumps are completely submerged in water and are perfect for small and medium ponds. They are easy to install and maintain, making them a popular choice for many pond owners.

One of the standout benefits of submersible pumps is they run quietly, keeping your pond and home peaceful. They are also energy-efficient, providing a simple, hassle-free solution for your pond. In short, if you want an easy and effective solution for your ponds, submersible pumps are an excellent option.

2. External Pumps

These pumps are installed outside the pond. They are ideal for large ponds that demand high water flow. External pumps are quick, efficient, and powerful. However, their only drawback is that they may require a professional for installation and maintenance.

1. Mag-Drive

This is a type of submersible pump designed for small and medium-sized ponds. It has a magnetic impeller and a long-life span. All you need to do is take care of the impeller, and you can benefit from it for a long time.

2. Asynchronous and Hybrid

These pumps are specialized to offer a high flow rate at lower head pressure. They are also considered an energy-efficient solution for large and medium pond applications and have a long-life span.

3. Direct Drive

These pumps are designed with high head pressure and flow rate and constantly require maintenance like oil changes and lubrication to keep running.

The Essential Factors to Select the Right Pump for Your Pond

Certain essential factors must be considered before selecting the pump. These factors play crucial roles in choosing the right water pump.

1. Pond Size and Volume

Pond size and volume are important factors when choosing the right pump. Also, the perfect pond size and volume need to be calculated using correct measurements. To calculate the volume of your pond, measure its length, width, and average depth, then use the formula:

Pond Volume (in gallons) =Length×Width×Average Depth×7.5

*(The factor 7.5 is used to convert cubic feet of water to gallons.)

2. Understanding Gallons per Hour (GPH) and Gallons per Minute (GPM)

Gallons per hour and gallons per minute are essential measuring units. Gallons per hour depict the volume of water a pump could move in an hour, and gallons per minute are based on the water volume moved in a minute. To Select the Right Pump for Your Pond, you should be aware of the measurement units so you can make better decisions based on your needs.

3. Pressure and Head Height

Pump performance completely relies on pressure. Pressure is the force that keeps the water running all over the pond, while head height is the vertical distance that the pump must cover. A high head height requires more power. That is why you must ensure that you are choosing enough powerful water irrigation pumps for your required head height.

4. Pond Features

Pond features consist of waterfalls, streams, or fountains. These additional pond features require a high-water flow rate. You need to use a specialized pump to increase the water flow and maintain the aesthetic of the fountain and waterfalls.

These specialized pumps will not only maintain the aesthetic appeal but also ensure the healthy environment of the pond with better circulation and oxygenation.

5. Pond Liners and Their Role in Pump Efficiency

Pond liners ensure a leakage-proof pond and increase pump efficiency. They act as a barrier and stop water seepage into the ground. By stopping water seepage, it is easy to maintain the water level, which directly reduces the pump load.

Always use durable and long-lasting pond liners according to the size and shape of the ponds. The right pond liners can easily reduce water loss, increase efficiency, and reduce the workload on the pond pump.

Select the Right Pump for Your Pond in a Nutshell

The right pond pump brings many benefits, and you can choose them to use in the following steps.

  • Ponds Volume: Use the above formula to determine your pond's volume and the required capacity for your pump.
  • Flow rate: Calculate the required GPH and GPM needed for the pond.
  • Evaluate Head Height: Assess whether your pond has any additional features that require a high head height.
  • Choose the Pump Type: Based on the above factors, you need to choose wisely whether to go with a submersible or external pump.
  • Check Efficiency Ratings: Always use energy-efficient pumps to save on electricity costs. Find an energy-efficient Little Giant MSP 5 Submersible Pump here.

Keynotes on Pond Care and Pump Maintenance

Pond care and pump maintenance are essential requirements to increase the longevity and performance of your pond systems. To maintain them, follow the following tips.

1. Clean the Pump Regularly

You should clean the pump regularly and remove the debris and algae to ensure smooth operation.

2. Inspect Pumps

Regular inspection is required to locate any damage, worn parts, lubrication, or clogging to keep your pumps running.

3. Monitor Water Levels

Ensure your pond maintains adequate water levels to prevent the pump from running dry.

4. Perform Seasonal Maintenance

Before winter, remove and store submersible pumps to prevent damage from freezing temperatures.


Choosing the right pump depends on your pond's features and needs. All you need to do is choose wisely what matters most to you, like quick water flow, high head height, long life span, and maintenance-free pond pumps. Selecting the right pump for your pond is essential to ensuring a healthy and vibrant aquatic life.

By following these essential tips for choosing the right pump, you can make better decisions for your pond pump requirements. Whether you use submersible or external pumps, you must choose the right one for your pond. At DripWorks find more information and a range of pond products