
Drip Irrigation

DIY Greywater System

DIY Greywater System

May 25th 2023

An excellent way to reduce your water usage and your carbon footprint is to use a greywater recycling system. Once it's up and running, a greywater system recycles the water you use in the house and repurposes it for other uses, so it isn't wasted. These other purposes include things like flushing y …
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Fitting Buying Guide

Fitting Buying Guide

May 25th 2023

Fittings are essential hardware for your drip irrigation system. They are designed to connect your drip lines, tubing and other gear to each other and your water source. There are many different sizes and shapes available, so it is essential to find exactly what you need before you buy. Here is your …
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How to Water My Flower Beds

How to Water My Flower Beds

May 19th 2023

Whether you have annuals or perennials, thriving outdoor flowers will almost all require watering throughout the growing season. When plants aren't adapted to a specific climate and rainfall, they need a little extra help from us to keep them healthy and happy. Thankfully, there are many ways to kee …
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How to Keep Animals Cool During the Summer?

How to Keep Animals Cool During the Summer?

May 9th 2023

In summer, it isn't easy for animals and humans to cope with rising temperatures. It's vital to remember that if you are feeling hot and bothered, so do your animals. Therefore, knowing how to keep your animals cool in the summer is super important. As temperatures start to climb, dogs, cats, rabbi …
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Lawn Irrigation System Filters

Lawn Irrigation System Filters

Apr 28th 2023

One of the best preventative measures you can take in your irrigation system is installing a filter. Though it's a small piece, the positive impacts of using a filter can be long lasting and extend the life of your irrigation system. If debris enters your system, they can start to clog drip emitters …
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How to Use Drip Tape Irrigation

How to Use Drip Tape Irrigation

Apr 20th 2023

Drip tape irrigation is a highly inexpensive way to water rows of crops on your farm or raised beds in a residential garden. Drip tape offers superb watering efficiency and uniformity over long distances. Drip Tape is used in homes and commercial applications. It is ideal for above-ground, mulched, …
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Planning Your Drip Irrigation System

Planning Your Drip Irrigation System

Apr 12th 2023

Now that early spring has come, it's time to get started preparing the garden for summer. One of the most important considerations for your garden is the irrigation system to ensure your plants have a steady supply of fresh water. Drip irrigation systems are some of the most water-efficient and cust …
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How To Set Up Drip Irrigation On A Slope

How To Set Up Drip Irrigation On A Slope

Mar 30th 2023

Looking to set up an irrigation system on a hillside or slope? Though it may seem more difficult than your average flat irrigation set-up at first glance, it simply requires a bit more consideration. According to Colorado State University, drip irrigation is the most efficient way to water your plan …
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Can I Use Recycled Water In My Garden?

Can I Use Recycled Water In My Garden?

Mar 29th 2023

Whether you live in a drought-prone or water-abundant area, using recycled water for irrigation is highly beneficial for the environment and your wallet. Besides using an efficient irrigation system, using grey water or recycled water to irrigate your outdoor garden is an excellent way to conserve w …
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