

Drip Irrigation Pressure Regulator Guide

Drip Irrigation Pressure Regulator Guide

Jun 9th 2023

One of the most important components to include in your drip irrigation system is the pressure regulator. Without one, your system could face serious issues with consistent pressure throughout your tubing, leading to low flowing areas and decreased performance. During those hot days of summer, consi …
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Gardening: Know Your Soil Type

Gardening: Know Your Soil Type

Jun 9th 2023

Turning your garden into flourishing success depends on knowing your soil type. Depending on your location, you will likely have one of these six soil types: sandy, clay, loam, peat, chalk, and silt. Knowing the soil type in your garden is crucial as it will help you create a lush, healthy garden an …
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Organic Gardening Guide

Organic Gardening Guide

Jun 1st 2023

Organic gardening is one of the best steps you can take to ensure you have a delicious and healthy food supply for you and your family. When growing food at home, you get all of the benefits of moving your body, being outside, connecting with nature and leaving synthetic fertilizers and pesticides b …
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The Best Drought Tolerant Perennials

The Best Drought Tolerant Perennials

May 31st 2023

Whether you're living on the West Coast of the United States or you're going through an especially hot and dry summer, one of the best ways to ensure your garden stays healthy and thriving is to plant drought tolerant perennials. Native plants in hot and dry areas often have built-in mechanisms for …
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Emitters vs. Dripline

Emitters vs. Dripline

May 26th 2023

Wondering about the difference between emitters vs. driplines? Be sure you are choosing the right type of irrigation for your garden and landscape by learning about the pros and cons of each type. Whether you're looking for peak versatility in your system or wish to customize for a specific area, re …
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How to Water My Flower Beds

How to Water My Flower Beds

May 19th 2023

Whether you have annuals or perennials, thriving outdoor flowers will almost all require watering throughout the growing season. When plants aren't adapted to a specific climate and rainfall, they need a little extra help from us to keep them healthy and happy. Thankfully, there are many ways to kee …
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Growing Edible Flowers in Your Garden

Growing Edible Flowers in Your Garden

May 16th 2023

Many herbs and vegetables, including mint, chives, runner beans, and courgettes, have edible flowers. There are numerous ways to use edible flowers, including fresh, dried, as a condiment, cooked, raw, and even pickled. They are also used in salads, cakes, cookies, and to decorate drinks. Some flowe …
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The Benefits of Gardening for Seniors

The Benefits of Gardening for Seniors

May 12th 2023

A blooming garden can be pleasing to the eyes and nose. But gardening is not just for beautifying your home. Gardening is a stimulating hobby that offers loads of health and therapeutic benefits to people of all ages. But seniors can really benefit from spending time in the garden as it provides exe …
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