

What to Plant in Late July

What to Plant in Late July

Jul 26th 2024

July is the hottest and best month of the growing season since both air and soil temperatures are hot. The long hot days of this month, combined with good light levels, accelerate the germination process, help you extend your vegetable crop season, and boost annuals and perennials in the garden. Ju …
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11 Best Climbing Flowers for Fences

11 Best Climbing Flowers for Fences

Jul 24th 2024

Trellises are more than just lovely focal points in the garden; they help separate crops, provide shade and shelter, and support garden plants. These strong structures also facilitate sunlight and air circulation in your garden, which leads to healthier, more bountiful yields. Besides creating natu …
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12 Dwarf Ornamental Trees for Your Yard

12 Dwarf Ornamental Trees for Your Yard

Jul 19th 2024

A yard feels incomplete without trees, but many small home gardens lack the space for trees. Dwarf ornamental trees provide a perfect solution for these compact spaces. While these small, slow-growing trees enhance your garden's appeal, they demand minimal maintenance and watering. In this guide, w …
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5 Easy Vegetables to Grow for Beginners

5 Easy Vegetables to Grow for Beginners

Jul 16th 2024

Do you find it difficult with your busy schedule to go to the farmer’s market every weekend to get your much-needed veggies? You can now solve this by growing your favorite vegetables in your home garden. Homegrown vegetables provide an instant supply and are rich in natural chemicals called …
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Top 5 Apple Varieties to Grow in Your Garden

Top 5 Apple Varieties to Grow in Your Garden

Jul 8th 2024

Apples are packed with immense health benefits, and they are among the best fruit plants for growing in your garden. Apples are nutritious, boost your health, and are easy to plant in your home garden. Once fully grown, they can produce four to five bushels every year. However, when planting apple …
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5 Innovative Gardening Techniques to Try in 2024

5 Innovative Gardening Techniques to Try in 2024

Jun 26th 2024

Gardens and backyards are as important as the interior of our homes, and the latest gardening techniques of 2024 can provide beautiful, thriving, and sustainable ideas for your garden. We're excited to share five innovative gardening techniques to help you transform your small garden into a producti …
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Garden Hoses: How to Select a Garden Hose for Home Task

Garden Hoses: How to Select a Garden Hose for Home Task

Jun 25th 2024

Garden hoses are essential tools for every gardener. A reliable hose lets you easily water your plants and keep your lawn green. However, not all hoses are the same. You need to determine what size, material, and type of garden hose will suit your needs. Whether you're a professional gardener or jus …
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