

How to add Color to your Winter Garden

How to add Color to your Winter Garden

Aug 10th 2023

Did you know that it's possible to maintain a colorful garden year-round? Though winter brings cold weather and the dormant season, there are many plants that produce lovely colors even in the colder months. Improve curb appeal and look like a gardening expert by selecting a few strategic plants to …
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5 Tips for a Successful Desert Garden

5 Tips for a Successful Desert Garden

Aug 8th 2023

If you're trying to grow a successful desert garden in an area where water is scarce, you'll have to consider a few things for it to thrive. After all, this type of garden specifically adapts to grow in extreme climate conditions, including in high temperatures and low rainfall. The plants are desig …
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Watering Tips for Lawn and Garden Landscape

Watering Tips for Lawn and Garden Landscape

Aug 1st 2023

Looking to show off your lush and green landscape this summer? First, you need to learn how to provide the optimal water for your lawn and garden. Watering is one of the most frequent events in a landscape, so it's essential to get a good system in place. Responsible water usage will also reduce run …
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Grow the Best Cucumbers

Grow the Best Cucumbers

Aug 1st 2023

Cucumbers are one of the most popular and versatile crops to grow in a home garden. You can't beat the taste of fresh, juicy, just-picked homegrown cucumbers. They are perfect for fresh slicing and making delicious homemade pickles. Although they are easy plants to grow, planting and harvesting a ni …
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Fall Harvest: How to Use and Store Your Vegetables

Fall Harvest: How to Use and Store Your Vegetables

Jul 27th 2023

If you're thinking about growing vegetables to add to your next Thanksgiving feast, you'll need to learn about storing and using them effectively. This blog will discuss why this is important and how to do it. Why is storing vegetables effectively so important? You may not think storing vegetables …
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Procrastinator's Guide for Summer Gardens

Procrastinator's Guide for Summer Gardens

Jul 27th 2023

With summer rising temperatures, it is time to embrace the hot days and get started on your summer garden. Are you a procrastinator who's putting off starting your summer garden? Don't fret! Despite the late start, you can still enjoy a flourishing and vibrant summer garden with strategic planning …
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Cold Climate Gardening

Cold Climate Gardening

Jul 25th 2023

If you're living in a cold environment, you may think all is lost where gardening's concerned. However, gardening in a cold climate is perfectly possible, even if there are a few challenges to overcome. What is cold climate gardening? As the name suggests, cold climate gardening is maintaining a g …
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