

How to Store Your Harvested Fruits and Vegetables

How to Store Your Harvested Fruits and Vegetables

Sep 12th 2017

With colder nights and days and our ripe and ready vegetables getting to be more than we can consume, it’s time to think about storing some of our harvests. Drying, canning, and freezing are the three top methods of storing your garden’s bounty for enjoyment in the months ahead. Harve …
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Plant Now for Fall and Winter Veggies

Plant Now for Fall and Winter Veggies

Aug 1st 2017

Start prepping your soil for a fall garden, enjoy fresh veggies through late summer and fall. Start by removing weeds and old vegetables, turn the top of soil 4-6 inches, and add compost to your garden bed. Don’t dig the bed too deeply as it will upset the beneficial microbes in the ground tha …
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Turn Your Backyard into a Food Oasis

Turn Your Backyard into a Food Oasis

Apr 5th 2017

Now is a great time to start an edible landscape. Growing your food without sacrificing beauty is possible by planting a few small fruit trees, berry bearing shrubs, vines, and even food producing ground covers. Beneficial insects are needed to help pollinate your edible garden. These insects are at …
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Planning Your Spring Garden

Planning Your Spring Garden

Mar 20th 2017

With spring only a few weeks away I am excited about getting the first seeds and starts planted. Thoughts of tasty heirloom tomatoes, garden fresh spring greens, cucumbers, basil, a wide assortment of sweet and spicy peppers, and a colorful array of flowers will keep your spirits high through the ch …
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5 Great Veggies to Grow in the Winter

5 Great Veggies to Grow in the Winter

Nov 6th 2016

Don’t let your garden stand empty this winter. With a little help, most of us can grow the vegetables mentioned below. In the northernmost states, a greenhouse, a high tunnel, a row cover or a small hot frame might be needed. Most southern areas of the US are well suited for growing winter crops out …
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Growing Your Own Herbs

Growing Your Own Herbs

Apr 21st 2016

Every Day is Earth Day at Dripworks. I know the theme this year is all about planting trees, but today I was inspired to write about how I celebrate our planet every day in the meals I prepare with my own fresh culinary herbs. They don’t take up much space to grow and they add spice to the rice, and …
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Gardening & Baseball – Our National Pastimes

Gardening & Baseball – Our National Pastimes

Apr 6th 2016

I was driving to work the other day, radio tuned to my usual sports talk station, and the airwaves were all abuzz with chatter about opening day for the 2016 baseball season. It made me think of the work (dedication and sweat), thought (planning and strategy), and emotion (the thrill when the work p …
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Springtime Checklist

Springtime Checklist

Mar 16th 2016

It doesn’t matter how long the winter lingers, spring is always sure to follow. It is never too early to start prepping for your spring garden. Don’t let the chilly weather stop you from getting your garden off to a good start. Prepare your soil It is a good idea to till your garden area, a good 8 …
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Starting your Veggies from Seed

Starting your Veggies from Seed

Feb 24th 2016

Starting a vegetable garden from seed is an age old tradition. At Dripworks I am once again getting the display garden ready for planting. With Spring less than a month away, I have the “itch” to roll out the electric heating mat on an upper shelf in our little Solexx greenhouse and plug it in. The …
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