Top 10 Tips for Growing Marijuana in 2020

Top 10 Tips for Growing Marijuana in 2020

Sep 6th 2022

Marijuana isn’t difficult to grow. After all, one of its most popular names is weed. But if you want to grow healthy plants that produce the best buds, a little extra care will pay you back many times over. Whether you are growing pot plants for your own personal stash or for sale at your business, these marijuana growing tips from DripWorks can help you attain greater success in pot production.

  1. Pick your place. Whether growing weed indoors or growing weed outdoors, consider the pros and cons of your situation. Depending on location, growing your crop outside can provide abundant sunshine and rainfall. But you will have to make sure your plants get enough water and stay at the right temperature to thrive. Indoors, you will have complete control, but will need to set up irrigation and lighting systems to make your plants grow.
  2. Select the right seeds or clones. This is no place to pinch pennies. Buy the best genetics you can find from a reputable supplier. Decide whether you want edgy sativa, mellow indica or medicinal-quality pot high in CBDs.
  3. Discriminate based on sex. In the case of pot, sexual discrimination is a good thing. Females produce the smokable bud, so obtain feminized seeds. Even one male plant in your garden can pollinate the females, causing them to turn their energy into making seeds rather than those wonderful sticky, resinous buds.
  4. Get your pot plants off to a good start. Just like giving a child good nourishment, properly germinating your marijuana seeds will get your plants off on the road to wellness. Germinating your weed seeds will establish a strong tap root it will rely on to get water and nutrients throughout its life. If you’re wondering how to germinate marijuana seeds, several methods are available. You can plant them in the ground, put them in a cup of water or wrap them in a damp paper towel till the tap root develops.
  5. Select your soil. Ideally, you will have a loamy soil that drains well for your marijuana plants. If your outdoor soil is dense clay or porous sand, add soil conditioners to improve it as a growing medium. Indoors, of course, you will have complete control of the type of soil you use. Hydroponics growing is another option inside, although this water-growing method will require a significant additional investment in equipment, supplies, construction and maintenance.
  6. Irrigation. Generally, you will want to water your plants every couple of days. If your plants are outside, this schedule will vary depending on rainfall, of course. A good rule of thumb is to water your plants when the soil feels dry. Droopy or yellowing leaves on your plants can also be a sign they need water. But take care not to overwater.
  7. Fertilizer. Like all plants, marijuana needs nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, or N-P-K. In general, you will want to use a 10-10-5 mixture during the growth state and a 5-25-9 fertilizer during the flowering stage. Many premixed fertilizers are available at cannabis growing supplies stores. As with water, avoid overdoing it.
  8. Humidity. If you are growing your plants indoors, you will want to shoot for a relative humidity level of about 40% to 50%. Use a hygrometer for measuring.
  9. Keep the ideal temperature range. For pot plants, this generally runs from 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
  10. Ensure good airflow to prevent mold and fungus. Indoors, you can improve airflow with fans and exhaust systems. Outside, give plants adequate spacing to help prevent the spread of fungus and diseases.