Weed Barrier Landscape Fabric

Weed Barrier Landscape Fabric

Sep 14th 2023

Weeding is one of the most tedious garden tasks that takes up a lot of our gardening time. There are various weed control methods to make your life easier and let your garden thrive, but the usage of Weed Barrier Landscape Fabric is at the top. Landscape fabric is a quick and easy solution to discourage weeds in large outdoor spaces. However, not all landscape fabrics are created equally. To control weeds in your garden, you need a durable and permeable landscape fabric that allows water and air to pass while blocking weeds.

In this blog, our gardening experts will show you how to properly use Weed Barrier Landscape Fabric and what factors to consider while buying for your garden. Let's begin!

What is Weed Barrier Landscape Fabric?

Weed barrier landscape fabric is a weed control fabric that is used to prevent weed growth while allowing moisture to move into and out of the soil. Landscape fabric is a great alternative to chemical herbicides, reducing the necessity of using them in your yard for weed control. Weed barrier landscape fabric is made from woven fibers or produced as a solid sheet with tiny holes to let water soak through. This weed control barrier comes in rolls, available in multiple sizes from 50 feet-200 feet long and at least 3 feet wide.

You can cover all types of landscape fabric with mulch, including gravel, wood chips, and more. Weed fabric under mulch or gravel works well since the weight of gravel keeps the fabric in place. This weed control barrier stops weed seeds from sprouting that are buried in the soil so they don't overrun your garden. Seedlings need air and light to grow. Landscape fabric works by blocking the sun and suppressing the weeds.

How to Properly Use Landscape Fabric?

Landscape fabrics are reusable and can last several years if used properly. To make the best use of your weed control fabric and avoid common problems, let us tell you how to install landscape fabric properly. The tools and materials you will need while installing landscape fabric include a steel rake, shovel, hammer, sharp utility knife, landscape fabric pins, garden gloves, and mulch.

Clear and Level the Soil

Landscape fabric should be applied on a clear and smooth surface. Dig out grass, weeds, and all vegetation using a shovel. Also, remove stones, twigs, and other sharp objects that could damage the fabric. Add compost, fertilizers, and other soil amendments, and then level the soil by raking the area with a garden rake until the soil is flat and smooth.

Lay out the Landscape Fabric

After preparing the soil, roll out the landscape fabric on the soil surface with the proper side facing upward and the rough side downward. It helps the fabric stay in place when you are working.

Secure the Fabric with Pins

The common mistake people make when using weed barrier landscape fabric is not securing it with anything except mulch. If the mulch displaces or breaks down, the unsecured fabric will slide out of place.

Once the fabric is positioned correctly, insert landscape pins, aka garden staples using a small hand maul or hammer. Insert a hold down pin every 10 inches along the edges and 12 inches apart in the center. Don't compromise on pins, or fabric can loosen up in a month or two. Besides, you can trim the excess fabric along the edges or bury it in the soil.

Insert Landscape Plants through Fabric

If you want to add plants in the area, cut round holes in the fabric using a sharp utility knife. The holes should be large enough to insert the plant's root ball.

Cover the Fabric with Mulch

The final step is to cover the landscape fabric with 2-3 inches of mulch, gravel, or rock. Spread the layer of mulch smoothly and evenly. The mulch protects the fabric from UV rays, holds the pins down, and helps the soil retain moisture. Also, mulch enhances the beauty of your landscaping.

Maintaining the layer of mulch, soil, or gravel above landscape fabric is essential to keep weeds out over time. Organic mulch decomposes into the soil over time, creating fertile soil for weeds. So, keep an eye on the mulch, and when the area is covered in debris and soil, remove, clean, and replace it. So, add additional mulch or gravel if needed.

What Things to Consider When Buying Weed Barrier Landscape Fabric

Weed barrier landscape fabric comes in a variety of durability and thickness, so decide carefully which landscape fabric is suitable for your intended use. Check the weight and thickness of the fabric to identify its quality. A 150 sq foot roll that weighs 20 pounds is likely to be made of heavier, thicker fabric than a roll of the same size that weighs only 10 pounds.

Always choose heavy-duty, thick landscape fabric with breathable features compared to thinner fabric. Thinner landscape fabrics aren't strong enough and rip off easily, some won’t even make it a single season. However, make sure the fabric is absorbent and allows air, nutrients, and water to pass through.

In addition, you should consider whether the fabric is UV and hydrophilic treated. Since landscape fabrics are installed in places that receive a lot of sunlight, it is essential to buy the fabric treated with UV-blocking chemicals. The needs of individual gardening and professional landscaping vary, so it's crucial to choose the fabric that is best suited to the task at hand.

Best Weed Barrier Landscape Fabric to Block Out Weeds

DripWorks Bio Paper Weed Barrier is a breathable, organic weed blocker that is easy to install, durable, retains moisture, and is designed to last a season. In addition, our Weed Barrier Pro Landscape Fabric is the best choice for gardeners and landscapers who need a long-lasting system. Weed Barrier Pro Landscape Fabric is designed specifically for commercial gardeners and professional landscapers. This heavy-duty weed control fabric provides complete weed control, saves water by retaining moisture, and is UV treated.

Looking for the best weed blocker for your garden or landscaping? Call us at 1-800-522-3747 Mon-Fri. The gardening experts at DripWorks help you choose the right weed barrier for your garden.