What is Pulse Drip Irrigation: A Complete Guide

What is Pulse Drip Irrigation: A Complete Guide

Oct 8th 2024

Pulse drip irrigation is a revolutionary technique used with drip irrigation in which small, frequent water applications are applied throughout the day to saturate the soil and meet the plant's moisture needs. Unlike traditional deep watering, this irrigation approach maintains a high moisture level for seed germination and caters precisely to plants' requirements.

Several studies have shown that continuous daily water application floods the root zone. With the development of new farming technologies, it became clear that daily irrigation was not feasible due to reduced water retention because most of the water was percolated and not used by crops. This led to the discovery of the ‘pulse irrigation’ concept. This article will discuss pulse drip irrigation, including its benefits, disadvantages, working, and how to implement this irrigation approach for healthier plants.

What is Pulse Drip Irrigation

Pulse drip irrigation is a modern approach to irrigation that involves applying water in small and frequent intervals. Unlike conventional methods in which plants are watered infrequently and deeply, pulse irrigation stands out by providing water little and often. In traditional irrigation systems, plants are watered for one to three hours. This allows a lot of water to sink deeply into the soil. On the other hand, pulse irrigation turns on for 5 to 15 minutes, 5-10 times a day. It provides the plants with enough water and fertilizers needed to take up at one time and prevent waste.

The primary goal of pulse irrigation is maintaining a high soil moisture level, which is essential for successful seed germination. It is highly beneficial in ensuring that the upper root zones remain consistently hydrated, promoting better plant health. This irrigation approach creates ideal conditions in the plant's root zone. It creates aeration in the root zone, which improves the plant's photosynthesis process.

How Pulse Drip Irrigation Works

Pulse drip irrigation achieves low water application while using an irrigation system with a higher application rate. It is composed of a series of irrigation cycles, each of which consists of two phases: the operating phase and the resting phase. The traditional drip irrigation system can be modified to pulse drip irrigation by using a timer or controller to reduce the watering duration and increase the frequency of the watering cycle.

Depending on temperature, wind, humidity, and light, a plant requires different amounts of water throughout the day. Pulse irrigation allows you to tailor the water application to these changing needs. You can adjust the frequency and duration of pulses based on rainfall, temperature, soil type, local climate, and plant type. Through brief watering sessions lasting a few minutes and repeated several times a day, pulse irrigation ensures the plants receive precise water. This strategy promotes plant health by maintaining adequate moisture levels in the top root zone.

Advantages of Pulse Drip Irrigation

  • Pulse irrigation can reduce water usage by 50-80%.
  • It provides water in short, regular intervals, which helps plants grow successfully.
  • If you already have a drip irrigation system, converting it to pulse irrigation is easy and economical.
  • It reduces fertilizer use and runoff.
  • Pulse watering ensures that all nutrients remain within reach of crop roots.
  • This approach reduces nutrient leaching, particularly in sandy soils.
  • Pulse irrigation maintains a moist root zone, essential for optimal microbial activity, healthy soil biome, and healthy plant growth.

Disadvantages of Pulse Drip Irrigation

  • Implementing a pulse irrigation approach may require an initial investment in products like timers and controllers.
  • You must purchase a complete drip irrigation system if you don't have an existing irrigation system.
  • The pulse drip irrigation system requires good water pressure.
  • Light watering can cause salt buildup, demanding heavy watering occasionally.

How Effective is Pulse Drip Irrigation

Researchers have discovered positive results of using a pulse drip irrigation system, such as better yields, increased crop quality, and improved soil moisture distribution. The effectiveness of pulse irrigation is proven over time. Initially, the changes are not apparent. However, after constantly applying this method for 1-3 weeks, you will observe a significant increase in moisture retention and uniform water distribution in the soil.

How to Implement Pulse Drip Irrigation System

Properly implementing pulse drip irrigation requires a timer or controller. Without a timer, maintaining a schedule for frequent watering can be difficult. You will have to travel back and forth to switch on and off the water supply, which is time-consuming. An automated system provides an excellent way to water your plants without the hassle of manual involvement.

Adjust the timer settings for pulse watering according to your soil type, climate, and plant watering needs. Start with six 5-minute watering cycles per day. Then, assess slowly whether the plants need more or fewer cycles. This starting point will allow you to tailor your pulse irrigation routine to your unique conditions.

When to Use Pulse Drip Irrigation

Typically, pulse drip irrigation is used for vegetable gardens, greenhouses, or crops grown on substrates. The substrates retain too little water, so providing small amounts of water several times a day instead of a larger amount will be beneficial. Various substrates are used with different levels of water retention, but each type still retains a small amount of water.

Pulse drip irrigation is also used in crops grown in open fields, such as strawberries and blueberries. Moreover, many fruits and other crops, including mango, citrus, and coffee, around the world have used pulse watering to improve growing conditions and yields. Most experiences have produced positive results. Pulse irrigation of orchards in fields did not affect water retention in soil since these crops are not grown on substrates.

The Bottom Line

Pulse drip irrigation is a groundbreaking watering method that delivers small, frequent water supply to plants, meeting their precise moisture needs and ensuring consistent moisture levels. This technique offers numerous benefits to gardeners and farmers, including improved water distribution, reduced water usage, robust plant growth, less nutrient runoff, and maximum nutrient availability. It is particularly effective for watering short-season annuals and vegetables. Research has consistently demonstrated its positive effects on yield and crop health, providing reassurance about the health of your plants.

To embrace this method, invest in a high-quality drip irrigation system and irrigation timer. DripWorks offers a wide range of quality drip irrigation kits and individual products, allowing you to provide pulse watering and enjoy healthier, convenient plant care.