DripWorks Water Conservation Guide for Homeowners

DripWorks Water Conservation Guide for Homeowners

May 17th 2024

Water is a valuable resource, especially in drought-prone states like California and Arizona, where every drop of water is priceless. Research shows that less than 1 percent of water on Earth is safe for domestic consumption. Significant water shortages are expected by the 2080s, which indicates how crucial it is to prioritize water conservation and focus on water-conscious living. Small changes can make a huge difference from the bathroom to the garden when it comes to saving water for your household.

According to the EPA, the average family can save above 13,000 gallons of water annually by replacing only old, inefficient toilets. This is only one of the many things to consider when saving water. Conserving water at home will protect the environment and your wallet by lowering the water bill. As homeowners, we should do all we can to use water wisely to help the environment. In this water conservation guide, our experts share the simplest things you can do to save water daily and preserve the most precious resource.

What is Water Conservation?

Water conservation is using water wisely to avoid unnecessary water wastage. It involves careful preservation and control of both underground and surface water resources. Careful water consumption is as important for your wallet as it is for the environment. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in ensuring enough water supply for future generations.

With the rise in human population, water demand has also surged. Water is a limited resource; this makes it even more important to conserve water in every possible way.

Importance of Water Conservation

Water is an essential part of every ecosystem on Earth. Humans, animals, plants, and the environment need water to thrive. When the water supply is scarce, there are serious consequences for both human and animal life. Many countries across the globe are currently facing extreme water shortages. Droughts, climate change, changing weather patterns, and water pollution all contribute to water scarcity.

Without practicing water conservation, our planet is at risk, but the threat to humanity is a more immediate concern. According to UNICEF, around 74% of natural disasters that between 2001-2018 were water related. This is another sign that water conservation is necessary to address water shortages and reduce the effects of water-related disasters.

The US experienced a surge in drought from 1895 to 2015, with 48 adjacent states facing it. According to a NASA report, around 53 million people live in drought-affected zones in the US. These regions have endured low agricultural yields, declining pasture lands, and disappearing water levels. Therefore, water conservation has become crucial.

Clean, fresh water is a finite commodity, and less than 1% of water is suitable for domestic use. Overusing water has significant effects. Future generations may have little to no freshwater left for survival. You should save water in every little way you can.

Ways to Conserve Water Indoors

Here are indoor water conservation tips for saving water in the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry.

Install Water-efficient Fixtures and Appliances

Replace old toilets, faucets, and showerheads with low-flow models. These fixtures can help you use 20% less water each year. The average person uses about 88 gallons of water daily, so investing in new appliances can save over 6,000 gallons annually per person. When buying the fixtures, get the ones with WaterSense labels, as they are the most efficient. The WaterSense label is an EPA-supported program for identifying products that meet standards for water conservation.

Reduce Shower time

Take a shorter shower instead of a bath. A full bath can use up to 70 gallons of water, and a brief shower can cut up to 45 gallons of water waste. Therefore, it is recommended to replace your 30-minute bath with a 10-minute shower.

Turn Off the Water When not in use

Don't let the water run when brushing teeth, shaving, soaping, or shampooing. Use a cup instead of your hands to rinse your mouth after brushing. A running faucet uses 2.5 gallons of water per minute. Turning off your faucet will save gallons of water.

Use Dishwasher and Washing Machine with Full Loads

Dishwashing takes 1% of a person's daily water consumption. Use Energy Star-market dishwashers to save water in the kitchen. These dishwashers are so technologically advanced that they can save 7000 gallons annually.

Reuse Cooking Water

After boiling pasta or vegetables, reuse the water for your next meal preparation or to hydrate your plants. Additionally, save the water you used to wash fruits and vegetables. This will make excellent plant food, conserve water, and add nutrients to the soil.

Fix Leaks

Regularly check for leaks in your faucets, pipes, and toilets and fix them promptly to avoid wasting liters of water. A dripping tap or running toilet can waste a lot of water. Check your plumbing fixtures and irrigation system thoroughly each year in spring to detect leakages.

Ways to Conserve Water Outdoors

Outdoor water use accounts for 30% of household water consumption daily. Conserving water outdoors is also important, especially during hot summer months or in drought areas. Here are ways to save water outdoors in your lawn, garden, and landscape.

Harvest Rainwater

Harvesting rainwater is an excellent method for collecting rainwater from rooftops in tanks or barrels and reusing it in your yard or garden. You can also use stored rainwater to water your plants. Rainwater catchment is a popular way to conserve water. Attach the Clean Rain Advanced Downspout Diverter to the downspout of your gutter, and it will reroute the water into the storage barrel while removing leaves and debris. This easy way to collect rainwater lowers the demand for local water sources.

Plant Native and Drought-friendly Plants

Save water by choosing native and drought-tolerant plants instead of non-native plants for your landscape. Native plants require little watering and upkeep. This will help you spend less time, energy, and water irrigating your yard. Do a little research to find the best native plants for your zone.

Install Water-efficient Irrigation System

Install a drip irrigation system to deliver water directly to plants' roots and reduce evaporation. This system delivers the precise amount of water only where needed. Moreover, install an automatic irrigation system with a controller or timer to control the system.

Read More: How to Save Water and Money with Drip Irrigation

Mulch and Compost

Apply mulch around plants to preserve moisture, reduce watering frequency, suppress weed growth, and prevent evaporation. Composting can also conserve water in your yard by retaining soil moisture.

Water Plants at the Right Time

Knowing when and how much to water your plants allows you to maintain a healthy landscape. Water your plants in the morning when the temperature is cooler because it keeps water from evaporating quickly. Watering earlier in the day allows you to use less water. Determine the watering needs for each area of your yard to avoid overwatering.

Regularly Maintain Your Irrigation System

An inefficient or damaged irrigation system can result in up to 50% water loss due to evaporation, leaks, and runoff. Inspect your irrigation system monthly and fix issues to prevent water wastage. Also, adjust your irrigation schedule based on the season.

Final Thoughts

Conserving water is a shared responsibility that can protect our planet and save money. Small water-wise changes to daily routines can have a significant impact. Start following these water conservation tips and embrace efficient water use. By incorporating these simple yet powerful habits, we can contribute to water preservation and promote a sustainable approach to water usage. Lastly, share your knowledge of water conservation and efficiency with your friends and neighbors.

Use DripWorks Products for Water Conservation

Looking to save water while efficiently irrigating your yard? Use DripWorks' modern irrigation products. Our user-friendly drip irrigation kits, landscaping products, garden accessories, water filters, and controllers not only help you maintain your yard's beauty but also contribute to water conservation and environmental protection, validating your commitment to the environment.