How to Care for Trees in Your Garden? Complete Guide

How to Care for Trees in Your Garden? Complete Guide

May 21st 2024

Trees can help you create an attractive focal point for your home garden. They also produce shade, and some grow fruits and beautiful flowers. Trees are also the main oxygen generators of our ecosystem. They help clean out forested watersheds, making water clean and drinkable. Our day-to-day weather is dependent on trees.

Furthermore, trees help cool the area around them; the shade of trees has a 10ºF cooler temperature than the surroundings by releasing water vapors in the air. Thus, the benefits of trees are undeniable.

However, with seasonal changes, trees also change. So, how do you care for trees in your garden? Let's learn about it in this guide!

Selecting The Right Trees for Gardening

You must select trees that will thrive in the location you've chosen. A tree that needs full sun exposure may not survive if planted in the shade, and a tree that likes dry soil might not grow if planted in poorly drained soil. Trees have three specific requirements: sunlight, soil, and water. Therefore, consider the following factors when caring for newly planted trees.

  • What type of tree do you want to plant? If you want fast-growing trees, colorful maples, dense firs, or wispy willows are good choices.
  • Selecting your treesDo you want to plant trees for shade? Are you looking for fruit-bearing trees? Or are you looking for aesthetic appeal in your garden? Knowing what you want from the tree will help you make the selection easier and care for it better.
  • Where to plant trees? Select the proper location to plant a tree. The perfect spot gets enough sunlight and has well-drained soil.

How To Care for Trees in Your Garden?

Monitoring and caring for trees and their growth is simple. You need to know what to do and when to do it. Trees have three basic requirements: water, nutrients, and sunlight.

The following tree care tips can better help take care of your trees:

1. Water Properly

Water is a vital requirement for any plant to thrive. However, too much or too little watering can kill your plant. Therefore, it is necessary to irrigate trees adequately.

The following options can be considered for proper deep irrigation of trees.

A. Deep Tree Watering Stake

Watering stakes are long cylindrical shaft-like structures that aim to deliver water deep into the roots of trees. They prevent soil surface evaporation, keeping the underground soil tough, moist, and intact.

Deep watering stakes also provide anchoring solid support to the trees, preventing them from buckling or cracking surface soil. Some characteristic features of this watering method include:

  • Prevents surface erosion and runoff
  • Mesh keep rocks and dust out.
  • Comes with slotted caps for UV protection
  • Comes in 14" and 24" sizes
  • Made from durable materials

B. Orchard Irrigation Kit

If you are looking for a widespread irrigation system that waters a larger surface area of your garden, orchard kits are perfect. These kits deliver water evenly to the root zones.

Dripworks offers orchard kits in two sizes: medium and Small. A medium kit can irrigate up to 20 trees, while a small kit can irrigate up to 10 trees in a row. To use the kits, unroll the mainline along the row of trees, then circle the tree with the 1/2" PC Emitter tubing. The kit comes with the necessary fittings and tubing; connect it to your water source and let it water.

Other parts of these irrigation kits include:

2. Mulch Your Trees

Proper mulching is the next big step in garden tree care. It provides an insulating coat around new and older trees. Mulching should be done as soon as the trees are planted.

What is Mulching?

Mulching is putting organic or synthetic mulch material on top of your plant's soil. It acts as a protective barrier for the roots. As organic mulch decomposes, it enriches the soil with nutrients, promoting healthier plant growth.

You can apply mulch as a 5 to 8 cm (2-3 inches) thick layer around the trees and the shrubs. Cover it above the root ball and lower 1/8th of the trees to protect it from grass, weeds, insects, or dehydration.

What can be used as Mulch?

You can use natural as well as synthetic materials to mulch your trees. Natural mulch is the best as it provides pure nutrients to the trees. However, synthetic materials have equally solid and beneficial effects. You can use the following materials as mulch for your trees:

  • Chopped leaves
  • Wood chips
  • Pieces of bark
  • Paper
  • Grass clippings
  • Straws
  • Sawdust
  • Pine needles

3. Prune Your Trees

Pruning is a cutting technique used to trim off the overgrown branches of trees without harming them. This technique preserves the healthy parts of the trees, removing the dried and dead branches. It helps the trees stay in shape, ultimately allowing them to grow.

Pruning Guide

If you are a beginner, here is a step-by-step pruning tutorial that you can use to prune your trees:

  • Decide which part needs trimming
  • Give the first cut on the underside of the branch
  • Give the second cut of the top side of the branch
  • Now cut on the outside of the collar
  • Snap of the branch after cutting it off

Remember, you can prune trees anytime you feel like they need to be shaped. However, the best time to prune is during mid to late winter. This is because the dormancy periods in trees encourage new growth in springs, leading to healthier and more vibrant trees in your garden.

4. Fertilize Adequately

Last but not least, fertilize your garden trees properly and adequately. This caring tip offers many benefits for the tree's health. These include:

  • Provide a nutrient boost
  • Helps trees grow
  • Protect the trees from pests and diseases
  • Eliminates weed growth
  • Improves the absorption of water

Conclusion - How to Care for Trees in Your Garden?

Trees are essential for our ecosystem. Caring for them is like caring for our future. With basic care like regular watering, mulching, and pruning, we can provide proper care and help trees grow.

By following these steps and providing proper care, you're not just nurturing plants. You're creating a thriving ecosystem that beautifies your garden and benefits the environment!